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President, MAEF

Shri Kiren Rijiju

Shri Kiren Rijiju

Hon’ble Minister of Minority Affairs, Government of India.

About Maulana Azad Education Foundation

Image of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

The Foundation was established on the occasion of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's birth centenary celebrations. His eventful life was packed with outstanding achievements in the diverse fields. He was towering figure on the Indian political scene and a scholar rated high in the realms of Urdu Literature.

To this, he added a trend-setting innings as a journalist. But his greatest claim to fame was his contribution as a thinker with a world vision and humanist outlook. A dogged freedom fighter and an un-failing upholder of secular and democratic values. Maulana Azad deserves to be introduced afresh to the modern generation of Indians.

What's New

At present there is no content available for this section, once content will be available would be updated.

For any query regarding this website, Please contact the Web Information Manager - Deepak Shukla
Email ID: webmaster[dot]maef[at]nic[dot]in, Contact No.: +91-11- 45607264 / 42131783
Maulana Azad Education Foundation
New Delhi-110 055

Page last updated date : 12-06-2024
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